Ten Golden Rules of Health and Healing
1. Stop putting poisons into your body.
2. Support your body's healing efforts. It takes 5-7 times more nutrition to rebuild and repair than it does to maintain.
3. Be patient and persistent. Nothing heals in the human body in less than three months — then add one month for every year the condition has existed.
4. Have moderation in all things.
5. Make peace with Nature.
6. Live closer to God.
7. Accept responsibility for yourself and your health.
8. Make as much of your diet as possible be raw whole foods.
9. Exercise regularly for the rest of your life.
10. Practice and learn to understand completely Hering's Law of Cure. Hering states, “All cure starts from the inside out, from the head down, and in the reverse order of symptoms as they have been suppressed.”
Image: Constantine Hering, M.D. (1800-1880)
Complementary Medicine | Natural Health | Nutrition | Herbal Supplements | Nutritional Supplements | Dr. David Ross, ND, CNHP | DrDavidRoss.com
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